Email to Tesco Pet Insurance Customer Relations

On the 7th December 2020, I wrote an email to Tesco Pet Insurance and addressed the Tesco Customer Relations department. The email, as shown below, outlined the circumstances around Danny’s sudden onset of illness, and highlighting the fact that the Tesco Pet Insurance division had told my father that the claim could not be honoured. On the Tesco website, it stated to allow up to five weeks for a response due to the Covid-19 pandemic. To date, I never received a response from Tesco Pet Insurance or the Customer Relations department regarding my enquiry.

Email Transcript
Tesco Customer Relations ()
Dave Parker
Tesco Pet Insurance... Claim rejected after sudden illness of Parent's dog.

For the Attention of the Pet Insurance Division.

In reference to policy holder Mr ****** Parker

Reference Policy Numbers:
Old policy number RSAP**********
New policy number RSAP**********

I write to you regarding the above policies which were held by my father, ****** Parker, for their six-year-old Cockapoo, Danny.

My father previously held a policy insuring Danny with Tesco Bank. However, when the renewal came through at the beginning of November 2020, he found that he could get the same policy at a cheaper price through a comparison website. Unaware, he assumed that as the new policy was still with Tesco Bank, that this would be a continuation of cover. He was not aware that by taking the cheaper offer through the comparison website for a policy again with Tesco Bank that this would be a new policy, and therefore subject to the 14-day “no claim” clause.

Unfortunately, just a few days after the new policy started, Danny became unwell. Initial diagnosis by his vet (****** in Redhill) on Monday 16th November 2020 did not find any significant reason as to why Danny was vomiting, with no indicators in the blood work. However, as Danny’s condition had not improved by Wednesday 18th November 2020, the vet decided that an ultrasound of Danny’s abdomen would be wise. This was carried out on Thursday 19th November. It was during this procedure that a previously undetected mass was discovered in Danny’s stomach. A laparotomy was performed on the morning of Friday 20th November. During this procedure, it was apparent that whilst Danny had not been showing any typical signs of stomach cancer, the cancer was advanced and aggressive. It had unfortunately perforated his bowel and was in his lymph nodes. The vet’s prognosis was that Danny’s illness was terminal. Even if they removed the cancerous part of his stomach, and re-sectioned his bowel, he probably not survive more than 4-7 days. Even if he did survive more than the initial 4-7 days, even with intense chemotherapy, he would, at best, only survive 4-6 months with his quality-of-life deteriorating rapidly. The vet, in her professional opinion, stated that it may be kinder to put Danny to sleep. My parents consented to this, and Danny passed away peacefully that morning.

My father was advised by your claims customer service team that because the policy was within 14 days of being taken out, none of the vet fees would be covered.

Whilst we understand that insurance policies typically have the 14-day “no claim” clause, we are appealing to Tesco Bank to consider the extenuating circumstances around this case. Aside from my father not realising that the 14-day “no claim” policy was in force, he had previously held an insurance policy with you, also underwritten by Royal and Sun Alliance, with no break of cover. As one of the UK’s leading supermarkets and banking facilities under the Tesco brand, we would like to appeal to the good nature of the business to see that these circumstances are out of the ordinary, and that Danny’s illness was short and undetected or known about. As I am sure you can imagine, Danny’s sudden death came as a huge shock to my parents and has caused considerable grief. In order to alleviate the worry, my partner and I have ensured the vet bills have been paid for as my parents simply do not have that kind of money, thus always ensuring they had insurance to cover any vet bills.

I have attached an email from my father giving his consent for you to discuss the matter with me directly. I have also attached a detailed statement of account which I received from the vet breaking down the costs incurred whilst trying to diagnose, and then subsequently treat Danny in his final days.

I very much look forward to hearing from yourselves to discuss this matter, and for any help you can give in this matter with regards to looking favourably upon this most tragic of circumstances and loss of Danny

Dave Parker.

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